How to run Null's on Emulators?

There's only two known ways:

  1. Use latest version of Bluestacks:
  2. Use Nox and patch /system/etc/check.xml file by adding <ho6>{packagename}</ho6> where {packagename} should be replaced with package name of running game (like daniillnull.nulls.brawlstars for Null's Brawl).

Why isn't it running on another emulators?

Emulators use binary translation to run games. It converts armv7 instuctions to x86 in runtime. But... it doesn't work perfect. Original Supercell games require some special things to be implemented in binary translator, but usually emulators disable it for Null's due to compatibility. As for Null's client is based on original game client, nothing works so.